Monday, October 1, 2007

For Your Name and Your Renown

I've been thinking about the words to Salvation Is Here this afternoon, especially the second verse:

Hear the sound of the generations
Making loud their freedom song
All in all that the world might know your Name
We're gonna be alright*

I pray a lot of the same things, well, a lot, at Torch - and that's actually pretty intentional (and why is a topic for a later post) - and one of the things you'll hear me pray a lot is that God's Name would be made famous in our lives, and that the stuff He does in our lives at Torch will send us to the ends of the earth for the sake of His glory. It's a prayer that echoes a song Christy Nockels sang that I can't for the life of me remember any line to except "and see the greatness of His renown." (If anyone knows what song that is, please tell me; it's driving me nuts!)

It also echoes Isaiah 28:6 - "Yes, Lord, walking in the way of Your laws, we wait for You; Your name and renown are the desire of our hearts."

What does the verse say we're doing? "Walking in the way of Your laws" - or, to put it more simply - we're worshiping God.

Why? Because "Your Name and renown are the desire of our hearts." We want people to know this God we worship - and the way we tell them is by worshiping.

Kind of puts a new twist on evangelism, doesn't it?

Look again at the lyrics to Salvation Is Here --

Hear the sound of the generations
Making loud their freedom song

How do we make loud our freedom song? Well, one way is by singing at the top of our lungs at Torch - but another is by living our lives in such a way that our freedom in Christ is demonstrated to those around us...

all in all, that the world might know Your Name...

And THAT is the point.

Worship and evangelism are inextricably entwined. People see our worship (whether at church or by our lives lived in devotion to Him) and they can't miss the reality of God's presence. As we make His name famous in our lives, He'll live up to His reputation as the God who saves, and the lost will be able to join us in singing "Salvation is here, and He lives in me."

And together, we will all be able to say in truth - "we're gonna be alright."

*Salvation is Here -- words and music by Joel Houston --
© 2004 Hillsong Publishing


sky said...

Thats freakin awesome and its so true. I know for me I definately need to go to God more about just making him completely famous in my life. And just that people would see that at my work place where there can be total darkness. Worship is SO much more than songs we sing, and we need to live it out!

Anonymous said...

i was thinking last night as you both were leading about how amazing it is that salvation is here and inside of us if we choose to accept it. how often do i live day to day forgetting that truth? if i didn't forget it i'd never worry, i'd never care about anything in this world other than the fact that my God lives in me. that's all we need.