Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Reflecting on True Love

I was struck by a line in a song I was listening to as I was driving home late the other night. One of the lines from the song said, “The earth was shaking in the dark, all creation felt the father’s broken heart, tears were filling heaven’s eyes the day that true love died.” That one line, “ALL creation felt the father’s broken heart.” God loved his son so much that the whole Earth shook and felt it. ALL of creation. We nailed his son to a cross in a humiliating, miserably painful death.Now think about that, how would you react to that?

We’ve all loved someone, and in many cases that someone has been mistreated or harmed by another and in most cases we probably reacted in a vengeful way. Yet God didn’t. This turned me to thinking about the passage in Matthew when Jesus is praying and asks the Father to let us be with him. What if Jesus hadn’t prayed that prayer, how would God have reacted to the death on the cross? We know that God is love and this proves how much he loved us. Enough that his wrath didn’t come down on us to the point of destroying us and any chance of salvation forever.

He sent his son here to give us salvation and knew what would have to happen in order for us to receive that salvation. But it still didn’t change the pain he felt when Christ breathed his last. Love is evident all over the cross.From the Father God's pain ripping the Earth open to the prayer Jesus prayed asking the father to be with us for all of eternity. Stop and consider how amazing that is. That’s God’s grace, and that’s true love.

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